Equine Seizure Warrant (Your department may have a different one)
The __________________(Municipal or County Justice Court)
State of Mississippi
Date: __________________
To: ___________________________ (name of owner/custodian)
Residence Address: __________________________________________________________
Equine pastured at: __________________________________________________________
Based on the evidence and testimony presented to this court, and in accordance with the provisions contained in SS 97-41-2 of the Mississippi State Code, the ___________________ (law enforcement of jurisdiction) is hereby authorized to seize any and all equine that are found to be injured or in a state of neglect and are not validated to be under veterinary care. _______________________ (law enforcement of jurisdiction) shall place said equine in the custody of __________________ (court appointed agent/guardian), a MS State registered 501-c3 non-profit animal advocacy, for protective custody, rehabilitative care, and placement, if the court so orders. In further accordance with SS 97-41-2, you have five (5) working days from the date of this seizure warrant to petition the court for a hearing regarding the custody, and disposition of said equine. The _______________________ (court of jurisdiction) is located at _____________________________. If granted a hearing, you are required to post a bond of
$500/Horse within three (3) working days sufficient to cover the cost of removal, transport, boarding, and veterinary care for the equine taken into custody.
The court appointed guardian may authorize a veterinarian to provide needed medical attention, or if deemed necessary because of untreatable injury or disease under SS 97-41-3 of the Mississippi State Code, to euthanize seized animal(s) without liability. If the seized equine does/do not have current Coggins test, equine vaccinations or other State, County, or City required proof of vaccination, or testing, the equine may be vaccinated, or tested at your expense.
If the number, or nature of the equine to be removed requires caution for safe and humane transport they may be removed in shifts, and only authorized law enforcement, or the appointed agent of this court for the care of the equine may remove them. Anyone removing the equine without express permission of this court will be held in contempt of this court.
________________________________ _______________________ ___________
Court Judge City or County Date
Signature, Title, and Jurisdiction of Law Enforcement Officer
List and Description of Seized Equine
Not Equine Seizure Warrant
Justice or Municipal Court
State of Mississippi
Date: ______________________________
To: ____________________________________________
(Owner/guardian/property owner/Resident)
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Based on evidence and testimony presented to this court, and in accordance with the provisions contained in SS 97-41-2 of the Mississippi State Code, the ____________________________ (law enforcement of jurisdiction) is hereby authorized to seize any and all animals kept loose, chained, fenced, confined within sheds, dwellings, vehicles trailers, or any facilities on said property located at ______________________________________________________ (address) that are in a state of neglect or abuse. The __________________________ (law enforcement of jurisdiction) shall empower ______________________________________________ (a 501c3 registered with the State of Mississippi or animal control) for rehabilitative care until their disposition has been ruled. In further accordance with SS 97-41-2, you have five (5) working days from the date of this seizure warrant to petition the court for a hearing regarding the custody, and disposition of said animal(s). The _______________________________________ Court (court of jurisdiction) is located at, _________________________________________MS. If granted a hearing, you are required to post a bond of $____ per animal within three (3) working days sufficient to cover the cost of removal, transport, veterinary examination and treatment, and housing.
The court-appointed ACO/agent/guardian may authorize a veterinarian to provide needed medical treatment and testing, or if deemed necessary because of untreatable injury, disease, or aggression, under SS 97-41-3 of the Mississippi State Code, to euthanize said animal(s) without liability. If the seized animal(s) does not have current rabies or other State, County, or City required proof of vaccination, or testing, the animal(s) may be vaccinated, or tested at your expense.
If the number, or nature of the animal(s) to be removed requires caution for safe and humane transport they may be removed in shifts, and only authorized law enforcement, or the appointed agent of this court for the care of the animal(s) may remove them. Anyone removing the animal(s) without express permission of this court will be held in contempt of this court.
________________________________ _______________________ ________________
Court Judge City or County Date
__________________________________________________________ ________________
Signature, Title, and Jurisdiction of Law Enforcement Officer Date
List of Animals Seized by Species, Description, Sex