Look Beyond Broken Fences is our educational campaign urging the public to take a second, closer look at the animals they pass on their daily commutes. So many of the animals that we have taken in have been in clear view of the public, but little to no reporting occurs. Because there is no animal control in the county, this is our call to action. Look beyond the broken fences and trees and really see what is in people's backyards, fields, and woodlines next to the road. Report the problems you see! Even if nothing is done immediately, once you call a report in to the Sheriff's Department, it is logged and can be an instrumental reference in establishing how long it has been going on and what kind of problems there are.
Reporting is also important because it gives the local departments a real idea of how much of a problem animal neglect is in their county. If no one reports, it gives the false sense that there is no problem that needs addressing. By calling, it shows that this is important to the community and a solution is needed.
There is also the added benefit that the more calls that are followed up with and make it to court, the more familiar with animal cases the courts become. By putting these cases and the convictions in the spotlight, it may help bring reform to Mississippi's animal laws.
It all starts with you, taking the time to Look Beyond Broken Fences.
Reporting is also important because it gives the local departments a real idea of how much of a problem animal neglect is in their county. If no one reports, it gives the false sense that there is no problem that needs addressing. By calling, it shows that this is important to the community and a solution is needed.
There is also the added benefit that the more calls that are followed up with and make it to court, the more familiar with animal cases the courts become. By putting these cases and the convictions in the spotlight, it may help bring reform to Mississippi's animal laws.
It all starts with you, taking the time to Look Beyond Broken Fences.